
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Jawi Temple

Jawi Temple
Jawi Temple is a temple which was built around the 13th century and is a historic relic of Hindu - Buddhist Singhasari in the district of East Java, Indonesia, East Java, Indonesia. This temple is located in the middle of the highway between Pandaan District - District Tretes and Pringebukan. Candi Jawi many thought of as a place of worship or shrines of Buddha, but actually it is a place where the ashes of the last king Singhasari, Kertanegara. Some of the ashes kept in the temple also Singhasari. The second temple was nothing to do with Candi Jago which is a religious place of King Kertanegara.

Reason Kertanegara Jawi temple built far from the center of the kingdom in the region anticipated for followers of Shiva-Buddha teaching is very strong. People in that area are very loyal. Kertanegara Although known as a famous king, he also has many enemies within the country. Song of Bannerman Wijayakrama, for example, causes such as insurrection Kelana Bayangkara. Land of rebellion Cayaraja noted.

There are allegations that the area used as bases by Candi Jawi Kertanegara supporters. These allegations arise from the historical narratives that when Dyah Wijaya, Kertanegara-law, fled after the coup Kertanegera king's subordinates, Jayakatwang of Bracelet-bracelet (in Kediri), he could hide in this area, before finally fled to Madura.

Structure and utility buildings
Shiva temple-legged shape, body Buddha. Tall slender shape like Prambanan in Central Java, measuring 14.24 x 9.55 meters wide and 24.50 meters high. The door facing east. The position of this door is used by some scholars reason to emphasize that this temple was not a place of worship or pradaksina (a ceremony of respect for a god, called Dewayadnya or dewayajña), because usually the temple to worship facing the mountain, which is believed as the place where the wake to the Deity . Jawi Temple Mount instead turned Guarantee. While there are other experts who argue that this temple remains of the temple worship, and the position of the door that is not facing the mountain because of the influence of Buddhism.
Jawi Temple is the uniqueness of the reliefs on the walls. Unfortunately, this relief can not be read. Could be because pahatannya that are too thin, or because of lack of support information, such as from the inscription, or manuscript. Given land which clearly tell this temple did not mention anything about these reliefs. In contrast to the reliefs in the temple of Candi Jago and upgrading is still unclear. One of the fragments that exist on the temple walls, depicting their own existence Jawi temple along with several other buildings around the temple. Clearly visible on the fragments of a temple on the east side of the chapel there are three pieces, but unfortunately all three conditions are present perwara virtually flattened. demikan also in the fragment is clearly visible that there is a moment which is the temple gate of the temple, situated to the west. The remains of these buildings are still there, but the shape is more like piles of bricks, because it is the gate of the temple is built of red brick.

In addition to relief that is located in the walls of the temple, there are also other reliefs located inside the temple. Located right in the middle of the temple which is the highest part of the inside of the temple, there is a carved relief of the god Surya is clear.

Another uniqueness of the Jawi Temple is a stone used as building materials consist of two types. The lower part consists of black stone, while the top of the white stone. Which raised the suspicion that this temple could be built in two different periods of building techniques.

History of the temple according to the given land
Land of mention, in the temple there are statues of Shiva. On it there are statues of Shiva statue Maha Aksobaya which has now disappeared. There are a number of statues of Shiva, such as Nandiswara, Durga, Ganesha, Nandi, and Brahman.

Kakawin given land states that when candrasengkala or in archery Day of Fire (1253 Saka), the temple was struck by lightning. That's when Maha Aksobaya statue missing. Narrated Majapahit King Hayam Wuruk who visited the temple and then grieve for the loss of these statues. Although the Supreme Aksobaya statues have been discovered which is now stored in Apsari Park, the front office Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) East Java, which was then known as Joko Dolog Sculptures, statues are not derived from Candi Jawi.

Written Candi Jawi that a year after being struck by lightning, has been rebuilding. At this time predicted the use of white stone. However, the origin of the white stone is still questionable, because the area that includes Mount foot rocky Welirang mostly black and white stones are often found only in northern coastal areas of Java or Madura

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