
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Belahan Tempele

The forgotten temple
Java community in general have been familiar with the building of temples. When people talk about the temple, our mind will automatically be guided to a sturdy building that is composed of stacked stones that form the steps on a regular basis and have hundreds of years old. More specifically, the image of the temple is in our minds is identical with the temple of Borobudur and Prambanan temples which are very large and his name has been famous throughout the world, although there are many more small temples scattered around the outposts and villages inland slopes -slopes of the mountain, whose name was foreign to the ear. Temple Hemisphere, for example, is one of about 80 buildings found small temples in Mount hold Guarantee.
Located at an altitude of approximately 700 m above sea surface, this temple located in the hamlet Hemisphere, Wonosonyo Village, District Gempol, Pasuruan, East Java, to be precise about 40 km from the town of Pasuruan, in the path of Surabaya-Malang. Through the hilly road uphill and hold, you were treated to sights like forests and forests for agriculture acacia tree population. If the weather is sunny, our fatigue during the trip will be mitigated by the presence of the beautiful scenery of mountain peaks Guarantee. The atmosphere is cool, calm and beautiful countryside typical of the more cool when greeting a friendly local population that are not familiar with tourists because they often become village climbing route to the summit of Mount Guarantee with a height of 1653 meters.

The temple is actually a petirtaan Hemisphere is very unique and fascinating, because one of his statue, which is the statue of Goddess Lakshmi water gushing through the second nipple is housed in a pond measuring approximately 6x4 feet in front of him. There are two statues of goddess statue of Dewi Sri and Laksmi who is a symbol of fertility and prosperity. These two statues are standing together in front of a wall composed of bricks that was decorated with reliefs showing as high as about three feet of Vishnu riding Garuda. However, only the statue of Goddess Lakshmi who poured the water that flows throughout the year even in the most dry season though. Water pouring from this statue nipple until now used by local people for everyday purposes such as drinking, bathing, cooking and washing. By local people, temple, Hemisphere is more popularly known as Source breast.
Every day, people around the temple along the winding road, up and down the hill and past the path that cut through the forest to get water for everyday purposes by using buckets and jerry cans. They should go back and forth several times to fill the water reservoirs in the house from morning till late night.
In water resources, society can not just take water. They also bathe and wash. The bath with a bare-chested man threw himself in the temple pond, while the women bathing in a place separate shower made not far from the temple site. Meanwhile, local kids are also abuzz plunge bath in the temple pond after school or lessons.
Clean water requirements from Temple Petirtaan Hemisphere not only be enjoyed by people around the temple, known as Java Hemisphere residents, but also with neighboring villages located far away at the foot of the mountain and is known as Jackfruit Hemisphere residents include Hamlet Genengan, lime, Gedang, Corner, Coral Jackfruit, Dieng, and Kandangan and residents immediately adjacent to Kunjoro Mojokerto.

Indeed, the water flowing from the statue of Goddess Lakshmi nipples that look clear and cool. For immediate consumption was no problem. Even according to some locals, the water is believed to have certain properties such as ageless and could make recovery of certain illnesses.
"Once someone is sick and bathing in the pool several times this breast Resources and drinking water, he had recovered," said one local resident Syaiful. This location had even made one of the national private television stations to hold a test event courage some time ago for allegedly places have 'penunggunya'. Guardian figure that is believed to participate preserving the breast Sources petirtaan site long ago. Allegedly, during the Dutch colonial period, there were attempts to transport one of the ornaments of the temple. But there is no single person capable of lifting so that the transport of these efforts failed and the authenticity of the site is still waking Source breast.
Hemisphere or breast Temple was built in the late Sources reign of Airlangga in the 10th century. Airlangga became king after the king was crowned in 1019. As a figure of a wise king, and called as a reincarnation of Lord Vishnu, Airlangga successfully advance the field of agriculture, plantation and commerce, including in establishing trade relations with the outside world. His administration made progress in the year 1031 marked the departure of the royal capital of the KAHURIPAN Wuwutan Mas. In addition to the prosperity and tranquility that is felt by the people, at that time also making progress in art, especially the literary arts. Many inscriptions and books of literature issued. The famous one is the Book written by mpu Kanwa Arjunawiwaha.

But the triumph of the Kingdom KAHURIPAN but it could not last long. The eldest son Airlangga, Goddess Kilisuci refused the throne, preferring to be a hermit who later made the hermitage in Pucangan (Mount Guarantee) to stay two younger men Leki Kilisuci Goddess. In order to prevent the seizure of the throne, his kingdom Airlangga halves for the two boys. Under the guidance of a Brahmin, is professor Bharadha, both kingdoms were divided into the Kingdom Janggala (Singasari) and Panjalu (FC) with the boundary region is the Brantas River. Even so, the two kingdoms is much involved in wars in the future power struggles.
Airlangga then retreat and became a recluse by the name of Rishi Gentayu until he died in in 1049. During a hermit, Airlangga has some hermitage on the slopes of Mount Guarantee, one of which is Temple Hemisphere. Tribute to the King Airlangga for his services to bring prosperity to its people is reflected in the two statues goddess Dewi Sri and Laksmi in the Temple. That said, some people believe that this temple is the tomb where the ashes of King Airlangga store, so some people come for pilgrimage.
But Temple Hemisphere exotica seems lost on the local government because of its remote location on the slopes. Access to the location of the uphill and winding his condition worsened with a partially damaged. This is an obstacle for those who want to travel there. Besides awareness of local residents to participate in maintaining the ancient sites are still lacking. Many trash pack soap, toothpaste, detergent and there around the temple and the temple in the pool despite a warning not to be glued boards littering. However, the freshness of water resources and natural beauty breast still has powerful appeal.

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