
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Purwosari Botanical Garden

History of Botanical Garden

Purwodadi botanical garden was established on January 30, 1941 by Dr. Lourens Gerhard Marinus Baas Becking on the initiative of Dr. Dirk Fok van Slooten on January 30, 1941 as an expansion of Experiment Stations' s Lands Plantentuin or Bogor Botanical Gardens Buitenzorg. This garden is one of three branches of Indonesia Botanical Gardens (Kebun Raya Bogor), which each have specific tasks and functions. The two other branches are Cibodas Botanical Garden and the Eka Karya Botanic Garden Bali. Management of the entire Botanical Garden is under the responsibility of Indonesian Institute of Sciences.

At first, this garden is used for plantation crops research activities. Then in 1954 began to apply the basics perkebunrayaan ie with the commencement of manufacture of collections of patches of plants. Since 1980 some plants were reorganized according to ethnic group that adheres to the classification system of Engler and Pranti. In a development expected Purwodadi Botanical Garden Hall Branch will become the center for survey of plant conservation and dry climate in the tropics.

Tree and Plant Collection
Classified into three tribes namely Mimosaceae, Caesalpiniaceae and Papilionaceae. There are 157 species from 70 genera belonging to these tribes. Various types of beans used as an ornamental plant such as the types of genera Amherstia, Brownea, Cassia, Senna, and Saraca. In addition, some types of wood are also used for buildings such as sonokeling (Dalbergia latifolia) and Wangkal (Albizia procera), plants such as tree planting and roadside Angsana (Pterocarpus indicus), Acacia (Acacia auriculiformis) and Soga (Peltophorum pterocarpum). Some are used as medicinal plants like Johar (Senna siamea), Kedawung (Parkia timoriana), Dadap srep (Erythrina subumbrans), and Dadap chicken (Erythrina orientalis).

Placed in a greenhouse in conditions adapted to their natural habitats. There are about 2344 specimens of wild orchids that consists of 319 species, 69 genera, and 277 still sp .. Approximately seven orchid species are endemic to East Java as Appendicula imbricata, arcuatum Dendrobium, Paphiopedilum glaucophyllum (slippers orchids), and others. While those who threatened its existence in nature, among others Ascocentrum miniatum, Phalaenopsis amabilis (orchid months), Coelogyne Pandurata (black orchid) from Kalimantan and others.

Included in the Arecaceae palm family and is the oldest species that have been encountered since the days Cretaceus, approximately 120 million years ago. Arecaceae very interesting in terms of botany, the beauty of its forms, diversity of species and their utility. Family Arecaceae in the world is estimated around 200-300 genera and 2000-3000 species spread throughout the tropics and sub tropics. Indonesia is the world's center of diversity of palm, than there are number of palms in the world among 46 genera (576 species) found in Indonesia and 29 genera are endemic palms. (LBN-LIPI, 1978; Witono, 1998; Sharma, 2002; Chin, 2003).

As one of the agency plants ex-situ conservation, Purwodadi Botanical Garden has the task to carry out an inventory, exploration, collection and maintenance of planting lowland dry plants that have value and potential of science to be collected (conserved). Purwodadi Botanical Garden has an area of 845 148 m2 174 families, 904 genera and 1896 species with a collection of some 60 genera Arecaceae 117 species and 435 individuals based on the catalog in 2006 (Suprapto et al., 2006).

Approximately 30 species of bamboo have been collected Purwodadi Botanical Garden, 16 species from Java, two species from the Moluccas, two species of Sulawesi, and 10 species from several Asian countries (China, Japan, Thailand, India, and Burma). Gigantochloa manggong (Bamboo Manggong) is endemic bamboo East Java, Gigantochloa apus (Pring apus) are often used for furniture, handicrafts or house roof, Dendrocallamus asper (Pring petung) rebungnya to eat, and Schizostachyum silicatum (bamboo wuluh) for flute.

Collection ferns arranged under big trees and shade, because this plant group likes shade and damp places. The collection reached 60 species from 36 genera and 21 tribes. Among nails nest birds (Asplenium nidus), suplir (Adiantum spp.), Hata (Lygodium circinnatum), and nail antlers / deer simbar (Platycerium coronarium). There are some other useful collections of ferns, such as nails vegetables (Athyrium esculentum) that can be eaten tunasnya, sp Asplenium. and Adiantum sp. as an ornamental plant, Horsetail Equisetum debile as medical materials, Cyathea contaminans as orchid growing media materials, and Lygodium Lygodium circinnatum as craft materials.

Located in the plot of G and XIV VA, arranged in such a way as to serve as an attractive garden to be enjoyed. Among his collection is a Pace (Morinda citrifolia), men to cough medicine and high blood pressure, leaves purple (Graptophyllum pictum), the leaf for medicine hemorrhoids, Widoro upas (Merremia mammosa), the tuber for diabetic drug, Sembung (Blumea balsamifera) leaves for asthma medication, heart disease, Wudani (Quisqualis indica) leaves for medicine and other worms.


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